Before I get going on this small post, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who commented on my previous "how to lose a girl.." post. Your advice and kind words are much appreciated. Now that's out of the way, please enjoy a short journey into the murky depths of my Monday morning so far :
I had left my computer on overnight to allow an email attachment to download. When i awoke, i noticed i had recieved some instant messages. Nothing new there. However, the messages themselves were quite original. The MSN name has been changed. After each message is my reaction after reading.
Chris says : Listen, you can shove it. Honestly i don't care anymore, i've had enough of this sh*t. You don't care, you don't listen at all and you probably aren't even listening to me right now but i dont give a f*ck. I'm going to tell it to you like it i
What the..
Chris says : it is, you're a whore, you've always been a whore.
I guess i am a little promiscuous..
Chris says : Sorry, man, wrong box.
I must blog this.
Nothing like starting off the day being called a whore. On the plus side, at least i deflected some of Chris's ire from his intended recipient.
Your friend "Chris" is a bit of a drama queen and quite hostile. Perhaps a swift delete/block is in order?
Already taken care of, Al. Fortunately he's not someone i know that well.
ha ha! I thought this was going to be about our insane cat vs scott foley buying me a sugar glider menagerie messenger malfunction.
This is better.
Also, congrats. You are now officially a blogger.
Sarah - I think that'll make it into the next blog post. And yes, i will be stealing the phrase menagerie messenger malfunction. You alliteration genius, you.
I have the feeling that he may be able to lose women quicker than you.
Ashley - Haha. I would hope so! Man, if i'm anywhere near this guy in terms of my approach to women i may as well give up now.
That is pretty much totally something I would do! I love it!
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