Monday, February 15, 2010

It's Valentines Boxing Day

Well, the heart-shaped chocolate boxes are already being marked down. The flowers are already dying. Huzzah! It's February 15th! I was supposed to write a Valentines Day post but I spent much of Sunday fiddling around with the blog, a story to which visitors to this pantheon of mediocre writing can and will attest. "All of your blogs have disappeared and your template has changed, " said a worried friend. Fear not, faithful readers ; the blog is up and running and all is well with the world once again. Oh, except Jimmy Fallon is still allowed on television.. sorry can't do much about that. Yet.


Allison said...

Stop hating on Fallon!

Rob said...

Allison: Impossible! Not until he his downfall is complete! Ok, he's not that bad i suppose.

Kinsey said...

I love the Fallon hate. His show was HORRIBLE when he started out, but now it's not that bad. Well, I don't even watch it...I only catch bits and pieces of it. Now that you mention it, I don't like the phrase, "Could care less"

Rob said...

Kinsey : Thank you for the support. I was a huge Conan fan and so that might have to do with it. The music on Fallon's show is great, but his personality grates on me sometimes. Still, im sure he's lovely in person. Maybe.

Allison said...

I loved Fallon on SNL - I'll admit, I've never seen his late night show. But overall, I heart Fallon.